LoveLife LogBook

The Science of Designing Your Dream

by Dr. Keith J. Lopez

Your Are Days from Your Dream

Happiness, Health, and Wealth Multiplied

With Science, Phycology and Questions to

Guide You To Your Dream Life

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The reasons to read this book and how it will create your dream life if you are willing to receive it:  

I will give you 11 primary reasons to read this book, yet the main one is… 

This book will help you find 

The Reason for You to Jump Out of Bed

 Eager and Grateful To DO What You Love


That You Pray For The Sun 

To Rise To Do It Again.

  “There are Only two ways to live your life…one is as though nothing is a Miracle and the other is as though Everything is a Miracle” -Albert Einstein


11 ways this book will help you make the rest of your life the best of your life:

1.How to crush roadblocks to success with your work life, relationships, wealth, health, and happiness; this is why many people lack success and manifesting with the law of attraction. 

2.Discover why you have not been living your dream life and the key to unlocking your highest potential.  

3.One psychologically and scientifically proven way written in one paragraph will give you the exact process successful people go through to accomplish their goals of wealth, health, happiness, and positive relationships. 

4.How to vibrate so that you are a magnet to attract certain people and your dream life. 

5.Questions you will answer that will give you the map to your dream life outcome. 

6.The specific sounds that create a vibration of healing. 

7.Breathing techniques to relax and change distress to success. 

8.The physical movements or exercises that you can do in minutes to lose excess weight, gain mobility, and create the freedom and possibility for a miracle life by releasing blocks and allowing flow.

9.The exact combination of words to make your life better in every way, every day. 

10.The way you can be rich without money, happy without things, and enjoy the journey of life. 

11.This book will not only change the way you think, it will also change your brain, this is psychologically and scientifically proven, and it is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity permanently overwrites neural networks in your brain.  

The truth is you are worthy of Love and a Life that is a dream. Say this enough times until you believe it. 

If you are not feeling good, it is not your fault. You are worth it and worthy of a better life. There is no need to blame or attempt to destroy others because that will not improve your life, yet there is a way to improve your life.  Imagine being able to live the best life possible because you are about to discover just that.  

According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of people's thoughts are negative, and 95% are repetitive. This book will help you change that to positive—if you are willing to change and read the entire book, then put it into practice by answering the questions and practicing simple habits.